TNPSC Gr.IV Model Test 17.02.2025

District Central Library, Tiruchirappalli
People filled environment in District Central Library, Tiruchirappalli with diverse group of the community attending regular programs today.Chess coaching for children, Coaching class for School students preparing for various scholarship exams, Class for Visually Impaired preparing competitive exams, Story telling and Drawing class held today.Big thanks to Readers’ Forum and all the resource persons for the great service.Vibrant and Inclusive Library.
The New Reading Hall Constructed at the cost of 5 Lakhs funded by Trichy Round Table 54 was Inaugurated on 04.06.2023 by Round Table National India President LMF .Tr.Manish Kumar Lakhotia in the presens of LMF Tr.Raja Shankaralingam Area one chairman , Round Table India, LMF Sq Leg Rajkumar Chairman,Trichy and Mr.A.P.Sivakumar District Library Officer, Tiruchy. Round Table members and Readers Forum President and Members also participated.
International Women’s Day